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Calendar for October

Date Special Intentions for our prayers
1 Tu S. Teresa of the Child Jesus, V and Dr Faith
2 W The Holy Guardian Angels Emergency services
3 Th Help for those with drug addiction
4 F S Francis of Assisi Franciscans
5 Sa Civil servants
6 Su Trinity 19 Parish and people
7 M Our Lady of the Rosary Theological colleges and courses
8 Tu Those wrongly imprisoned
9 W Stewardship of the environment
10 Th Social reformers
11 F Church music
12 Sa University Students
13 Su Trinity 20 Parish and People
14 M Mission and evangelism
15 Tu S Teresa of Jesus, V and Dr of (Avila) Simplicity of spiritual life
16 W The elderly
17 Th S Ignatius of Antioch, B, M Inter-faith dialogue
18 Fr S Luke the Evangelist Doctors
19 Sa Those away from home
20 Su Trinity 21 Parish and people
21 M Religious Communities
22 Tu Hospices
23 W People with disabilities
24 Th Fair Trade movement
25 F War torn areas
26 S Those awaiting surgery
27 Su Trinity 22 Parish and people
28 M Ss Simon & Jude, Apostles Discipleship
29 Tu Burton Soup Kitchen
30 W The deaf and hard of hearing
31 Th Prison chaplains