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Calendar for January

Date Special Intentions for our prayers
1 W The Most Holy Name of Jesus The Light of the World
2 Th Ss Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, Bs and Drs New possibilities
5 F Our past parish priests
4 Sa Peace in Jerusalem
5 Su Epiphany Parish and People
6 M Led by the Holy Spirit
7 Tu Nursery, Playgroup and Crèches
8 W Those contemplating suicide
9 Th Christian Counselling
10 F Our team of organists
11 Sa Our Parish Council
12 Su Baptism of Christ Parish and People
13 M Nurture and teaching of children
14 Tu Strength out of weakness
15 W The homeless
16 Th Spiritual direction
17 F S Antony, Ab Following our Lord
18 Sa Outcasts
19 Su Epiphany Two  Parish and people
20 M Ss Fabian pp and M, S. Sebastian M.  For Wisdom
21 Tu S. Agnas, V and M The ministry of women
22 W Animal welfare organisations
23 Th Pastoral care
24 F S Francis de Sales, B Dr Sharing
25 Sa Conversion of S. Paul, Apostle The Glory of God revealed to all
26 Su Epiphany Three  Parish and people
27 M Bible translators
28 Tu S. Thomas Aquinas, Pr. and Dr Local colleges and universities
29 W Generosity of our actions
30 Th Victim support services
31 F S. John Bosco, Pr. Newly ordained deacons and priests